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A bulging disc can mean day after day of pain and discomfort. In extreme cases of bulging disc, sometimes surgery is the only recourse available
But how safe IS surgery for bulging disc? What are the risks? And what are the types of surgeries to consider?
Traditional Bulging Disc Surgery For a long time, traditional surgery was the only way to fix a bulging disc and bring pain relief to the sufferer. Traditional surgery is risky and, in some cases, ineffective.
And even with successful operations, the pain may return to some sufferers within a few months, necessitating another session under the knife.
Worse, traditional surgery carries the risk of cutting the pinched nerve behind the disc. This can result in permanent nerve damage, and the patient might go home in a worse condition than before.
But even if the surgery does go smoothly, it still leaves a certain amount of scar tissue in the area operated on. Scar tissue is a generally weaker type of tissue, and it can't support as much weight and movement as the rest of the tissue around the disc.
When the tissue starts tethering or compressing the disc, the pain can return -- and you will be back to the operating table.
Laser Surgery May Not Be The Best Choice Today, however, more and more bulging disc surgeries are done using lasers. Laser surgery enables surgeons to make smaller incisions, administer more precise operations, and avoid cutting nerves by accident. It's a considerably safer, more accurate way to treat bulging disc through surgery.
Also, since laser surgery leaves less scar tissue around the problematic disc, the risk of pain returning in the future is lower. And if a second surgery would be needed eventually, the length of time between operations is longer than if traditional surgical methods were used.
Types Of Minor Surgeries To Consider Thanks to laser surgery, there are many types of “minor surgery” to consider. Many procedures are so simple that they can be administered on an outpatient basis, using only local anesthesia. These minor surgeries are much safer than full-blown operations that require general anesthesia.
Here Are Some Examples Of Popular Minor Surgeries For Bulging Disc:
#1 - Laminotomy / Laminectomy This type of surgery involves removing the lamina, or that part of the vertebra that forms the roof of the vertebral arch. Removing a portion or all of the lamina can relieve pressure on the troubled disc, so that the pain is reduced or eliminated totally.
#2 - Discectomy This type of surgery is also a popular first choice for bulging disc sufferers, especially when all other non-invasive treatment methods have proven ineffective. Through discectomy, any bone spurs and fragments that's causing the bulging disc are removed.
Is There A Way To Avoid Laser Surgery? One of the safest and most effective ways of treating a bulging disc in the neck is through Neck Traction Therapy. This method involves stretching the bones of the neck and spine to relieve pressure on the bulging disc, reducing the pain immediately.
Use Surgery As A Last Resort In the most serious cases of bulging disc, surgery is usually the only way to go. But still, it's a good idea to keep surgery as a last resort. Always look for safer, non-invasive treatment methods first, such as Neck Traction, before making the decision to go under the knife (or laser).
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